samedi 22 mars 2014

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Have you been frustrated lately that your creative writing has seemed repetitive or stale, that you seem to have become some kind of writing robot, churning out the same kind of words and lines time and time again?
Or, worse still, has your writing inspiration dried up completely?
Where there was once a raging river there's now only a dry and cracked riverbed, littered with the debris of unfinished writing projects?
One of the biggest causes of this kind of writer's block is that you're simply not giving yourself permission to write freely.
Your creativity is like a 6 year old boy who's been taken to the front of a huge toy store, only to then be told he can peer in but he's not allowed to go inside! Torturous!
So how can you give this permission again to your creativity, so it can rise up and show you all it's capable of? How do you give your creative writing the green light for go instead of feeling permanently stuck on red?
Creative writing prompts are a great way of unlocking your writing ability and giving it a fresh surge of inspiration.
The way creative writing prompts work is by giving you a short phrase or idea to get you started in a new direction you might not have thought of. It's that little push you need to get you flowing again, so your creativity can shine once more.
That 6 year old kid with his nose pressed up against the window of the toy store has now been shown the way in. In fact more than that, he's also been told - "You might want to check out the new electronic action figures on the 2nd floor, they're not like any you've seen before" and pointed in the right direction. So off he rushes.
Many writers aren't comfortable trying writing prompts because they feel it's like taking a short cut and they should be able to come up with their own ideas.
Back to the toy store kid again - if he didn't have a clue where those action figures were, or even where the toy store was, he could spend forever trying to get there. Once he's there, he doesn't need any encouragement to go off and explore!
It's the same with writing prompts. They may show you a technique you haven't used before or point you in a direction you've not thought of exploring in your writing, but once you're off there's no stopping you! All the writing, all the creativity, comes from within YOU.
Try using some creative writing prompts today, and you'll give your writing the green light it needs to produce something amazing once again.

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