jeudi 22 mai 2014

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By Minnie Whitley

This refers to projects where written materials are produced by two or more persons rather than individually. The main reason for collaboration fiction is to come up with something of greater quality. A group people are able to create more and better quality than a single person would do. In this type of cooperation each contributor has an equal right to edit, add and remove parts of the writing.

In this kind of working environment, change of a part by one contributor would trigger the other parties to propose more changes. In such a situation it becomes easier to work together if everybody in the group has a common in mind and difficult in cases where the goal is absent. All contributors should keep in mind that the core reason for coming together is to create better work due to several efforts geared towards more efficient and effective work processes.

There are a number of collaboration writing patterns depending on how writers organize themselves. This article exposes two main; an individual writer can conduct research or discussion then review it with his coworkers and upon a point of agreement produce the document. The other pattern is where two or more writers collaborate and work jointly to produce a story, document or a book.

Over the past few years this form of writing has been mainstreamed in a number of fields. Some of them include research by doctors, in academic authoring and literacy programs. The strategy has been effective in various fields hence gaining a high popularity. A good example is in learning institutions where the method has successful been used to encourage learner centered programs.

Collaborative fiction has various benefits. This articles majors in a few main advantages of working as a group. Most importantly its helps authors strengthen their skills. This is achieved through reading more, working in good time to meet the time frame allocated, welcoming critiques in writing and reaching a point of agreement will all colleagues before any work is produced.

It helps an author build a platform to receive help and help other people. It is likely than when you help someone there is a high probability that when you need their help they will not turn their back on you. There are two main ways through which an author can help the other party, this can be directly or indirect. An example of an indirect manner is to help share fan pages in social sites or even like a post. Most likely your colleagues and other people notice this generosity and next time they will promote you.

Collaborative fiction triggers one to work more. When one is working with others it is likely they will put more efforts and commit more time in working so that they meet the assigned time frame. It is important that when expected to submit tasks or working with editors you be time conscious. This kind of writing stimulates every colleague to work more, better and often.

Working with other writers helps shun the green monitor. The ugly truth that many writers avoid is that they feel jealous of those successful in the field. There is a high probability that when you collaborate with others jealous cannot come in.

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