samedi 17 mai 2014

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By Arline Bradley

Have you ever found yourself in a deep forest full of sweet fruits yet wild animals are on the prowl? Such is the condition where you need to break a spell. The danger that looms might be unknown to you unless you are very careful. You therefore need a lot of keenness. Be wise in your dealings and know that things are not always as they seem.

Spells are mostly observed in relationships. One of the lovebirds always gains control of the other from some external forces. As a result, it becomes almost impossible to manage in their absence. Consequently, they gain the upper hand and control all your moves in the relationship. It is thus not advisable to be too helpless before your spouse as this can become a stumbling block.

It is quite amazing to realize that someone has full control of your behavior such that they can move you either to the left or the right at will. To add salt to wound, it might be concealed to you while to others who observe you it is conspicuous. You then become defensive to the point of defeating the attempts of the people who are close to you tom reason with you.

A great scholar called Socrates used to tell the Athenian youths that you should know thyself. This is very important if at all you would like to strengthen your weaker areas and reinforce your strongholds. Accept your weak areas in order for a chance to strengthen them to be sought. Never tarry until its too late to make a change. Consider views from friends and foes alike. Instead of rubbishing them, put them in a weighing.

At times there is a feeling of self worth that comes to a person making them to behave as if others are lesser beings. This is risky as it makes others shy of helping us when they get the chance to. Those who observe us from the sides can be quite instrumental in making us more aware of ourselves. It is good to have open ears and closed mouths in some situations. The before you leap is thus a saying that comes handy.

For you to break a particular spell, always be willing to hear others out. Do not be the only one speaking. Instead, you better be the only one listening. There are cases where one has to persevere being ashamed for the sake of sobriety. Avoid being proud as it spoils chances of knowing the truth. Its a great show of wisdom when you humbly accept your shortcomings and correct them.

Sometimes our decisions can have some dire consequences. This does not mean that we compromise and give in to foolish demands. Total freedom comes when one cannot suffer manipulation from any possible source. Even your spouse should not be trusted when it comes to some matters. In a crucial situation painful decisions have to be made. Trust needs to be earned and not only demanded.

You might think you are so smart that a spell cannot affect you. Wait until you are caught and you will realize that you should have moved earlier. You have to watch out always. Examine your situations and see to it that they are no manipulative. Be firm in your decisions.

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