dimanche 15 juin 2014

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By Ina Hunt

Poetry has developed to a great level over the years. Various institutions and individuals have done so much in developing poetry in this state. Poets in New Mexico have been developing what has been done by poets who preceded them all in the spirit of taking poetry to another level. The most notable in promoting poetry are the New Mexico Poetry Society and the Poetry Loud campaign which is a national movement organized by high school teachers for high school students.

Alice Briley formed the state Poetry Society in 1969. Ever since, they have done a commendable job in promoting poetry. They are faithful supporters of the welfare of cultures of different people. Their poems are, therefore, composed of cultural elements. They do not support political, social or religious movements, hence, discourage their members from getting involved in such movements and claim to be representing the society.

This society boasts of a number of poets. Among them are; Jim Applegate, Joe Shaffer, Jeanette Oestermeyer, Ann Applegarth and Lynn Baldwin among many other renowned poets. This organization has been in operation for all this while despite most of its founding members moving out of the state. In recent years, they have formed a strong partnership with the Eastern University. The partnership has helped organize student competitions which receive a lot of competitors and viewers.

The society formed what they called the RGV chapter that has continuously motivated budding poets. It formed collaboration with the University of New Mexico. This collaboration was in form of lectures and guidance in writing poetry. The university in turn admitted students with the purpose of imparting in them the skills gained from the RGV poets. This collaboration later resulted in needy students being offered sponsored scholarships at the larger poetic society.

Poetry loud is another group composed of mainly teachers whose core function is organizing recitation competition. They normally prizes at both national and state levels. The group does this in all the states in the country. The main prizes are 200 dollars for the winner and 200 dollars for the second-placed. They also cater for all the transportation costs for the main winner. They also offer some money for the refurbishing of school libraries for both the first-place and second-place winners. National competitions carry about ten times the amount of prize given at the state level.

Other poets who hailed from this place included D. H Lawrence; a poet who shifted from the Great Britain Dana Levin and Mora Pata. All of them are writers who have been widely acknowledged by citizens of this region and others all over the world. They are some of the first poets from this region.

These poets addressed varied themes as dictated by the issues during their times. Among the topics they discussed included the negative effects of industrialization, the French and American Revolutions, effects of modernization and love among others. They were very well received by their readers.

Apart from their themes, the writing styles were also determined by the times when they wrote their works. The literary movements; romanticism, symbolism, naturalism and realism, were very crucial in determining their writing styles. Each of these movements had its own styles that arose from the needs at the time.

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