jeudi 12 juin 2014

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By Sally Delacruz

Children always want to have people they look up to as they grow. Most of them look at actors and other stars as their idols and role models. This is why it may be necessary to write a kids book about actors. However, such a book should not just be written for the sake of writing. Great caution should be taken to prevent kids from developing bad attitudes or extremely admiring attitudes towards acting as a profession.

Writers must not assume that because it is written for kids, then it does not have to be written with caution. In fact, more care is supposed to be taken in writing such book as compared to writing for adults. However, actors described in these works should not be made to look like gods. They should be as realistic as possible.

In the writing such works, several issues need consideration. Among them are the level of content, the words and phrases used, the amount of content and the level of realism. There should be close observation of these factors lest the wrong material get to the children.

When writing for kids, writers should always ensure that the information exposed to children is not above them; it should be suitable and fit for kids. As most actors engage in immorality and social evils, their personal lives should never be exposed to the kids. Just as personal lives should never be included in writing kids book, some scenes in the actors movies should never be talked about to children as they may too be dirty yet writing about their immoral behavior may encourage or tempt the kids into engaging into those things.

The writer also needs to check his/her language. He/she should avoid use of vulgar words and pictures. Such language usually has a great negative impact on the development of minors. They are also likely to negatively affect the minds of children. They may grow thinking that it is normal to use vulgar language.

The number of pages making up these books should also be reasonable. It is common sense that kids have not developed their reading abilities to a level where they can read a lot of content at ago. Too much content is likely to discourage them, and this defeats the purpose of writing these materials. Writers should therefore, minimize the number of pages in their works.

The factors mentioned above should not mislead writers into thinking that they should only write good things about actors for the sake of mentoring children. This kind of thinking may lead them into exaggerating some elements concerning actors just to please the kids. They may even end up portraying them as being supernatural. This is not good for the development of children. They need to see these stars as being realistic and capable of identifying with. They should even be taken through their lives from childhood to adulthood to make these young fellas work hard to be like them.

From this discussion, the conclusion that can be drawn is that writing books for children concerning actors is not a walk in the park as it may appear. Caution must be observed. The information written should suit them in all its aspects. Vulgar elements, hard content and unrealistic descriptions should be eliminated using all possible ways. The language used should also be of their level.

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