samedi 11 octobre 2014

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By Jocelyn Davidson

Fantasy has become a highly sought after genre today with its fantastical worlds, brave warriors, powerful magic and epic adventures. Finding the best fantasy series to read may involve doing some online research. This enables one to read about what others have enjoyed and also to find lists of those that are most popular.

Wizards, witches, dragons, warriors, chimeras, vampires and other unearthly creatures play their part in these novels. Characters in epic tales of adventure often find themselves locked in a battle. Good vanquishes evil in the end, once many adversities have been overcome.

Some series, however, have more complex characters and plots. The characters cannot simply be classified as good or evil as those who appear good may be revealed to have serious character flaws and those who appear evil start to gain some sympathy as the layers are peeled back and readers start to see why they act the way they do.

One of the most appealing aspects of a series is the fact that there is more than one book to read. Starting a good new one gives the expectation of much pleasure to follow. One does not have to say goodbye to well loved characters at the end of the first novel. Immersion into a particular new world does not have to stop and picking up each subsequent book draws one straight back into familiar territory.

The current popularity of this genre has caused much speculation. Why are readers so drawn to it? Is it pure escapism or does it go further than that? There are those who feel that it offers us a way of subconsciously dealing with our fears. There are others who see it as allowing us to see truths about the human condition more clearly because it comes cloaked in a fictional form.

There are no doubt that many people find it difficult to deal with the pace of technological development. In the face of this, the inexplicable and magical aspects of this genre have great appeal. They do offer the chance to escape but they also expose us to characters who battle through many adventures, growing in self knowledge and courage. This can be very inspiring.

Tolkien and C. S. Lewis were the godfathers of modern fantasy. They were both war veterans who found themselves after the war in a world that looked nothing like the world they grew up in. Their fantasies have delighted readers for years and they have translated successfully into movies that have been box office hits. Many others have followed in their footsteps, producing epic tales that are also being made into successful movies.

Fans love to discuss the novels and the worlds they depict. Online forums and discussion groups allow them to do this. They can also write reviews which helps others to make decisions about what to choose. There are many ways to get suggestions about what to read next and these novels are all available for purchase online in many different formats.

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