mercredi 15 octobre 2014

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By Patty Goff

A tree is recognized for its magnificence and the meaning it provides for life, energy, wisdom, and spirituality. With a closer look at the spiritual meaning of trees it requires a closer look at the symbolism associated with plant life dating back hundreds to thousands of years. The different trees each offer a new meaning that is often incorporated into daily life and improving personal connections.

A large number of symbols have been associated with tree development and plant life including its undeniable beauty, strength, and the sense of eternal life. These magnificent plants possess deep root systems and branches that continue to grow towards the heavens in a mighty display of color. The different trees that produce fruit are recognized as representing the renewed source of life and energy.

One of the most well known of vegetation includes the Tree of Life that is referenced in the Bible and many other cultures. Its meaning can be attributed to ancient beliefs and is most often concerned with energy and deep rooted systems that allow for the building of a firm foundation and continuous growth. Understanding such symbolism requires a closer look at the different cultural belief systems.

It is the Mayans who emphasized the magical properties of the mystical mountain, Tamoanchan. It is in this culture that the belief includes the connection of the tree to the three places including the underworld, heavens, and the earth. There is reference to the Mayan Tree of Life that includes an extensive root system and links the different spheres.

There is recognition of an Tree of Life in Egypt that is the creation from which the couple responsible for life emerged. It is believed to have been responsible for both life and death and includes all of the creations from which the population sprang. The image of the large tree can be found in many paintings in which the couple are included.

Kabbalah is a practice that includes one of the most complex approaches in the explanation of existence and believes that there is an interconnection between the different forms of plant life. This includes the growth between the roots and branches as representing the flow of the Divine, the earth, and back towards the Divine. This design includes a number of pillars including female, mercy, and equilibrium levels.

It is in the Garden of Eden that the Tree of Life is largely recognized in biblical tales where it is guarded by a snake. It was in this garden that the river split into the different directions and has been described as representative of the heavens, life, and serves as a symbol of true union. It is further believed that the tree indicates the connection between the Divine and the human heart.

There is a great deal of emphasis placed on the various cultures and religions. A number of complex processes are noted in these systems; however, regardless of the belief, the trees are considered part of a union or a connection between earth and the Divine. It has been regarded a suitable option for mythical tales and the creation of meaning that focuses on spiritual balance.

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