samedi 24 janvier 2015

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By Janine Hughes

Saving and protecting the environment today, is now part of our daily activities. One engages himself in practices which will aid in saving the environment and also uses products that do the same. This is also evident in the printing world. Digital printing that is eco friendly is done in a number of ways and also using a number of products. It is beneficial to you because it is cheaper and also reduces pollution to the environment.

One of the green practices is duplex printing. Choosing to print on both sides of the paper will cut off your paper expenses into half. One is not required to buy an automatic duplex printer since a lot of inkjet and laser printers can do this manually. It may take more time but one can sleep better knowing he or she has saved some money. Using less paper will mean less trees are cut down and more oxygen present in the air.

The font one chooses to use in a certain document is very important. Some fonts will require more ink than others. Fonts with serifs, many decorations and boldness consume more ink than simple plain fonts. When one uses less ink, the amount of ink purchased will decrease. This will reduce the number of empty cartridges found in the environment.

Increasing the margins of a page will help you put more information in one page. The information to be printed will be written in less pages allowing one to save on papers. Saving the amount of paper will translate to saving the number of trees required in the paper factory. One also cuts down on the cost used to purchase paper.

One should also work with the local vendors and suppliers of printing products. It will save the environment by preventing the release of the harmful gases from the vehicles that are used in transportation of these products. Local vendors might turn out to be cheaper as transportation is known to increase costs.

Recycling is the most common of all green practices. To protect the environment, instead of throwing away the empty ink cartridges one can recycle them. One can also collect the empty cartridges and drop them off at an ink cartridge recycling center. If they are thrown away, the toxic chemicals used to make the ink becomes harmful when exposed to the environment.

Eco friendly products should also be used. They are affordable and are used in place of the traditional inks and additives that were harmful to our environment.

Eco friendly inks will include those requiring no heat for curing, do not release excessive emissions to the air when they dry and those made from non-toxic chemicals. This will help one to protect themselves, others and the environment at large.

We can save the world in many ways through eco friendly production. It is an alternative which we should all consider for it is cheap, affordable and most of all it promotes a healthier environment.

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