mardi 10 mars 2015

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By Leslie Ball

We have different ways on how we can relax. There are some that likes to play computer games, watch movies or reading. These are just simple things that can really help, especially if we are too stressed from work.

You do not need to spend a lot of money just to relax and do the things that will make you happy. In fact, there are tons of activities that you can use an alternative to those expensive travels. Reading is one of the best when it comes to this. That is why we will try to help you unwind just by reading new suspense novels every week. If you are uncertain how to do this, then read further.

The first thing that you should do is to choose a book. No matter what genre that you want to go for that should be okay, as long as you think it is interesting. We have different genres though, so we cannot really divulge any information with regards to this. Basically, this is up to you on what books you want to go for.

If you are still uncertain on what to read, then you can use the internet to ask for suggestions. Goodreads is one of the best site where you can find readers that can certainly provide you anything that you need based on your genre. Once you have the list, make sure that you keep them, so that you can do some research later on.

One by one, try to read the prologue of it. There are also summaries that are available online, so you have to take advantage of that, so that you have an idea on what you will expect once you start reading it. You can then determine if it really fits your genre or not. Reading a good book will help you sustain the motivation in the long run.

In this step, we assume that you already have your book with you. Try to scan the last page of the material and see how many pages it has. In that way, you can calculate the number of pages that you have to read every day. In this case, try to divide it by 6. We will not do it until seven because there is something that you have to do about it.

Once you get the number pages, that is the time where you have to start reading. Try to reach your goal each and every time. It can be hard at first, especially if you easily get bored, but once you do it regularly, you will find yourself having fun with it. It might take some weeks to master it, but you should make sure that you will never give up.

Last but certainly not the least is to create a reward system. Since this is a hard task to accomplish, you have to pamper yourself for the goals that you have achieved. By doing that, you are building up anticipation in the next few weeks.

If you follow the steps that are provided above, for sure you will be able to do it quite easily. Again, giving up is not an option here. Try and try and for sure, you will be amazed by the results.

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