dimanche 19 novembre 2017

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By Marie Richardson

Information is power. It is one of the most powerful things on planet earth. No one can deny that fact. It is the plain truth. Being informed can actually save lives. It can prevent the deaths of many people by preventing the root cause of conflict. The war in Afghanistan was preventable. If people could have been informed, it could not have taken place. To prevent conflict from happening in other parts of the world, people should take time to read Afghanistan war books and subsequently apply the lessons that are found in such publications.

Conflict is one of the leading causes of human suffering. Since time immemorial, people have always fought each other. So far, there have been two major world wars and there is the risk that a third one could herald the total apocalypse of planet earth. Afghans have fought each other for close to a decade. Their conflict is a tribal one.

Conflict is preventable but only if people know the real causes of conflict and work to make sure that those issues are dealt with before society ends up in full blown conflict. Reading war books such as an Afghan war book will provide all the information that is needed for conflict prevention. It is desirable to be a passionate reader.

Being informed does not only involve going to school. It is good to attend university and even pursue other advanced qualifications such as postgraduate degree. However, there are things that cannot be learned in school. Education does not end with school learning. Even after school, one should stay learned by reading valuable publications. Reading is one of the best pastimes in the world.

There are many ways of reading. No option is superior to another. It is all a matter of tastes and preferences. Some people like reading by flipping real papers. Such people should not be criticized in any way because that is the method that makes them to enjoy reading. Each method of reading has its own unique benefits and disadvantages.

Not everyone loves the old and the ancient. There are those who easily fall in love with the new and the trendy. Such people will prefer reading their publications the modern digital way. Doing so is a very convenient affair that also facilitates the saving of trees. One can read using a device such as a personal computer or smart phone.

Reading books digitally is one of the easiest things that someone can do. It can also make an individual to fall in love with reading because of the convenience factor. With the modern day digital devices, one can read from anywhere. Reading on the go is a fun experience that makes an individual to kill two birds with one stone.

To find the best information, one needs to read a great publication. There is totally no need to read a mediocre publication because it will offer little or no help as far as knowledge advancement is concerned. Actually, mediocrity is one of the worst words in the English language. To find an exceptional publication, one needs to visit a high ranking book review website.

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