dimanche 24 décembre 2017

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By Virginia Schmidt

The body of human beings runs on some of the most comprehensive systems. Specialization is necessary to allow a medical expert concentrate on certain parts of the human body. When specializing in specific areas a medical expert gains deeper understanding of illnesses and conditions associated with that part. Auto immune diseases are caused by the body mistaking certain parts for foreign cells thereby launching attacks against them.

When the body is functioning normally it is able to differentiate between cell bodies and foreign cells. This enables it to attack foreign cells but not body cells. In people with autoimmune diseases their bodies mistake certain parts like the skin and joints for foreign cells. As a result their immune systems release antibodies which attack healthy cells in those parts.

Some types of these diseases attack the entire body while some target specific organs. For instance Lupus affects the entire body while Type 1 Diabetes specifically targets the pancreas. The cause of these illnesses is not known although they tend to run in families. It is also speculated that exposure to certain chemicals, infections, and diets might trigger or contribute to the condition.

Men are less susceptible to autoimmune illnesses than women as revealed by several researches. It is revealed that women in childbearing age are the most affected. Another contributing factor is race. With race it clear that some people of certain race show high susceptibility level than others. Some families have specific illnesses running in them but not everybody gets infected. Individuals from such families have higher susceptibility than other.

A diet with high fat and sugar is also thought to be a contributing factor. Eating highly processed foods could also be a causative factor since it is closely linked to inflammation. Scientists have devised several theories to try and explain the root cause of the illnesses. One of the theories is known as hygiene hypothesis.

Under the hygiene theory, many different kinds of antiseptics and vaccines have been developed. The vaccines and antiseptics are meant as preventive measures in children so that they are exposed to less germs. The common thought is that exposing the body to more germs may result in the immune system of the body to become excessively sensitive. As a result of over sensitivity, it may start attacking harmless substances in the body.

Statistics indicate that there are over 80 varying types of illnesses in which the body attacks itself. These include multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, and celiac disease. Others include vasculitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Note that similar symptoms may be manifested for a wide range of diseases.

Beware of recurrent symptoms like fatigue, swelling, and muscle aches. They could just be a sign of an underlying autoimmune disease. Get help in time and reduce that suffering. However, understand that there is no cure for such diseases. Medical experts are trained to control and manage them. Prevention is the only effective way forward. Exercise regularly and eat balanced healthy diet.

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