mardi 27 mars 2018

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By Carolyn Evans

It is not unheard of for major companies to dumb their waste into organizations. Ship tankers also may spill some of the oil into the ocean mostly by accident. This, however, can be stopped by ocean protectors. The ocean is a big part of our lives. It provides sea food and is even a source of income due to tourism.

Carbon emission is one of the major contributors to depletion of the ozone layer. This means that you should try and minimize carbon emitting activities. For example, leave your car home once in a while in order to save on emmissions. If a lot of people try it at the same time, it is bound to make a difference. The environment will improve, and there will be no longer need for green houses.

Sea food is a delicacy that most people do not mind indulging in. As much as it is sweet and has health benefits, it may be a way of making some species extinct. This is a terrible thing, but it can be controlled. For example, always order a species that is still plenty in number and campaign for other people to do the same.

Plastic is one of the things that should completely be eradicated from the face of the earth. It cannot decompose and so when it gets stuck on the ground, it kills the fertility of the soil. This can be changed by avoiding the use of plastic water bottles and even transporting stuff using bags made out of plastic.

For those who like giving back to the community, they may do so by cleaning up the beaches and rivers along the river bends. Many people like walking along the beach or even having a picnic at the beach. They leave all the plastic garbage there, and it is somehow pushed into the water. Such behavior has led to the sea becoming a dumping place.

Do not ever buy things that directly harm marine life. This is usually inclusive of a lot of jewelry products. For example, you may find a necklace decorated with shark teeth. It is impossible that the shark pulled out their own teeth and gave it to jewelers. To avoid loss of marine life avoid purchasing such products.

Most people have pets. They range from birds to other animals. If you own a cat, do not flush their litter down the toilet as it may end up in the ocean one way or another. If you own an aquatic pet, do not just put any kind of fish in your aquarium. The conditions may be lethal to it, or it may be lethal to already existing animals in the tank.

You can recruit people into saving marine life. This is by mainly joining a group that deals in such. You may also start your own and lead it. Another option is to provide funds for already existing groups and help them raise awareness.

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