jeudi 22 mars 2018

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By Rob Sutter

If you're a writer, you might be aware that your talents can translate to Long Island SEO success. What you may not be aware of, though, is that there are certain myths associated with search engine optimization. It seems like these are trusted by many, but those that specialize in said field know better. For those that would like to make the most of their skills, here are a few of the myths in question that should be understood.

"Keywords should be used as often as possible." According to companies like fishbat, keywords are used to increase rankings. While this is true, you shouldn't stuff your content with them, as this can come across as spammy. Instead, try to focus on using said terms only when applicable, as this will make the aforementioned content flow better. This is just one of many ways to succeed in Long Island SEO.

"If you write a single blog post or article, you'll rank." For those that believe that SEO is a short-term endeavor, understand that it takes more than a single piece to rank. This is why you should ensure that this is a consistent process. Continually write content that is not only optimized, but rich in value that people would want to consume. The more consistent your writing is, the more likely it is that you will eventually rank.

"Higher rankings can be obtained in no time." The reason why this myth should be addressed is, simply put, its unpredictability. You cannot tell what's going to rank on search engines, mainly because they're not owned by a single person. Furthermore, these engines have become so sophisticated that very few truly understand what influences rankings in the long term. If you wish to obtain higher rankings, understand that it will take time, patient, and effort.

Of course, these are just a few Long Island SEO myths that writers should be aware of. While it's important to know how to spell and utilize grammar, it's equally important to know how to use your skills in digital media. If the goal is to rank for various terms on search engines, you must educate yourself on SEO. The more that you decide to learn, the more that you'll benefit from this very field.

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