jeudi 7 juin 2018

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By Jeffrey Stevens

When it comes reading, readers have a number of choices. Whether interested in fantasy, science fiction, fiction thriller books or other genres, there is often something for everyone. One of the most recent and most popular as of late is those related to vampires. Currently, there are a number of these books by independent authors on Amazon Kindle Direct. One such author is that of Nigia Stephens, a New York novelist whom has an ongoing series related to eroticism and vampire lifestyles.

Whether a well known author, or a self-published novelist with publications for sale on sites such as Amazon Kindle Direct, there are a number of different books of this nature. While some are an ongoing series such as of the Twilight and True Blood series, others are single stories. In either case, these are often some of the most dramatic and graphic of all fiction books on bookstore and library shelves today.

Authors whom publish e-books as well as hard copies and paperbacks often obtain the most readership. While this is the case, while books of this nature can be graphic, e-books even more so. For, many authors will insert full color illustrations in e-books while most illustrations in hard copies and paperbacks are often black and white.

While some authors obtain readers through word of mouth advertising, there are others whom gain interest after reading reviews on a number of social networking websites. In either case, it is important to be weary of discussing the plot or story line as part of a review, as doing so can often spoil a story for future readers.

Individuals posting these reviews need to remember to keep the information free of plot and story line. For, if not careful exposing these elements can turn readers away rather than encourage the reading of a title. While some negative reviews can suggest a title is not read worthy, this is a decision best left up to the reader based on the review.

Providing a review whether enjoying a title or otherwise can often benefit the author. For, authors often get a great deal of information and insight from these reviews. As a result, the review can often result in changes in future stories or volumes. After which, sales tend to increase, thus making the author and title more popular in the future.

Public readings in the area in which a reader resides can often be a great way to meet an author. In addition, authors generally provide autographed copies of current releases which can often hold a great deal more value than an unsigned copy in the future. Whereas, these readings can also provide information which the reader can share whether with friends, in reviews or at other readings when referencing the title.

On occasions where an author releases a series of books related to a single story, it can often be important to read the volumes as released. For, like popular television series and shows, there are often cliff hangers at the end of each title. As such, in order to maintain an ongoing relationship with the characters, plot and story line, it is important to stay as connected as possible throughout the entire series.

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