vendredi 21 septembre 2018

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By Henry Collins

Christianity is a religion that preaches love. It is surprising to so many how Jesus Christ gave the instruction that Christians should love one another and pray for those that persecute them. This is not possible in so many other religions in which paying back good for good and evil for evil reigns supreme. Because of this Biblical injunction to love, one cannot possibly consider fighting when thinking of how to defend the Christian faith.

Defending the Christian faith is doing that thing that when men see, they would want to identify more with God. It calls for one's mindfulness and making efforts to ensure that what you say in public does not contradict your personal lifestyle. Your neighbors are always looking to see how strong you are in maintaining your stance on certain issues. If you eventually act against what you preach, you will be tagged a hypocrite and people will think less of following your teachings.

Whenever you are faced with a temptation, you should know that it is time to defend your faith as a Christian. The temptation may be brought by the devil through someone close by who is watching to see your reaction. Fortunately, the person will think more about joining you in the faith if you do not fall.

Falling into temptation is not uncommon especially when the circumstances are grave. However, this can be prevented by getting closer to The Lord. Some of the ways to do this include reading the Bible always, praying without ceasing and depending totally on God in times of trouble. If what is written in James 4:8a is taken seriously, defending Christianity would be easier.

Reading the Bible always includes having some quality time in His presence every morning. This is also referred to as quiet time. The morning devotion is necessary as it helps you go through God's word and hear from Him about how to conduct yourself each day. By conducting yourself well, you represent God anywhere you are and those who are observing you are more likely to ask you to lead them to Christ.

Your prayer life should also not be a joke. God can minister to you through prayers with instructions on what to do when certain things come your way. Through prayers, you can also get instant healing for your sickness to the amazement of those who never thought you would get well. When they see the miraculous signs, they feel the urge to also join the faith.

Spreading the gospel is an important step to take if you want to defend Christianity. Without preaching, nobody will understand why you do certain things. Defending the faith in this sense includes participating in early morning cries, visiting public places such as students' hostels and sharing tracts.

Defending Christianity has a single target and that is to make men turn away from their sins. The emphasis is on avoiding eternal damnation and finding rest in God on the Last Day. As a Christian, it is your primary duty from God to try your possible best to ensure that people around you hear that Jesus saves.

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