jeudi 27 septembre 2018

undefined undefined
By Cynthia Peterson

There are so many people in this world with different traits and characters. These people also have their own different feelings. For sometimes a person cannot control it and it will have to take control of them and will make them violent and hurt someone even they are close to each other. In this thread, people will learn all about different raw emotions and their definitions.

The mental state of an individual has different motives, an individual feels something if there are events in their lives that trigger their mind and will produce some actions like crying and laughing. Some are happy so they laugh, some are sad for they cry these are just some examples of different kinds of feelings. Some are overpowered by their affections that is others were controlled and manipulated by it.

Minds of the folks are so delicate because their whole personality will get affected when they feel something. That is the reason why folks sometimes change their mood for they feel something that affected their personality. That is the reason sometimes folks suddenly cry, laugh and many more.

Expected events could also happen while a mood of a person changes. Feelings will change the nature of the person and will make them more violent if they are angry. A feeling is so strong that they manipulate people just as what they want.

Feelings could sometimes very useful for a person could be encouraged if they feel happy or being in loved and many more. It is very important for a person could do everything they had to do if they are encouraged because they are happy or loved. That is why feelings are important to everyone for it is so strong that they make the folk do things they are not used to do.

Animals are also having their own mental state for they could also feel happiness, sadness and many more. Likes humans, animals also need care and love from their master like the exceptional love they give to them. Animals can also be hurt and sometimes get sad if they have something that they want and they do not get it.

This is why crimes sometimes happen because some societies cannot handle their mood and will go rage. This is the reason one hurts someone for the reason that he is very angry and cannot handle it already. That is why handling moods are very important to be handled correctly.

Memory from the past could also trigger the mood of someone for they might remember some things that happened from the past. And that event made them changed their mood and might result in an action they are not used to doing and might hurt others depending on what they felt.

To end this, these are just ideas and opinions and can be either correct or wrong to someone. But temperaments are very important for someone could be a victim of them. For these are very strong and will have to take control of someone. That is why this is very important that you can control your temper for it may take control of yourself and will do things that you do not do usually.

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