jeudi 22 novembre 2018

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By Edward King

Many people are being arrested every day for something that they did not do. This is becoming an alarming issue. Folks are profiled because of their skin color and that is very unfair. If positive measures are not undertaken, this can lead to more serious confrontations between officers and civilians who feel that they have been violated. Law Enforcement and Race Relations should be something that the government needs to prioritize.

Kids learn at a young age that compassion is what separates humans from other living organisms. The ability to feel emotions and convey them to others is a unique characteristic that only man possesses. It is therefore only right that those lessons are put to good use and practiced in the way people treat one another.

Culture and tradition are two determining factors that affect how an individual acts. It defines his personality and acts as the foundation with which he builds a family upon. All people belong to different races and ethnicities and should therefore be respected at such.

Belonging to a different cultural background should not be held against people. Each one has the freedom and the right to act according to what is customary to them. As long as one is not breaking the law or committing a crime, he must be left alone without bias or prejudice.

Research is a good tool to have when contemplating whatever needs to be done. It allows one to weigh all options necessary before making important decisions. Knowing where get the right info is equally important. Being ignorant to an issue can cause confusion and lead to biases that can affect relationships with others.

The intensity of the net is an enormous fountain of data. Perusing articles can expose the brain to the numerous conceivable outcomes of comprehension. Arousing the awareness can decidedly impact every one of the selections that individual makes in his generation so info ought to be accumulated however much as could rationally be expected. This does not follow anyway that all things on the network is valid. One must be watchful in looking for what he wants so he will not be deluded by anything.

The power of the internet is a huge source of information. Reading articles can open the mind to the many possibilities of understanding. Awakening the consciousness can positively affect all the choices that one makes in his lifetime so knowledge should be gathered as much as possible. This does not mean however that everything on the internet is true. One must be vigilant in searching for what he needs so as not to be misled by anything.

Mistaken assumptions are a piece of life. In any case, this must not be utilized as a reason to unjustifiably treat another person. Approaching individuals with deference and empathy is the most ideal method for living minus all potential limitations without foes and struggle. A tranquil life can be accomplished if everybody is dealt with reasonably and fairly.

The way people are treated can be a big factor in the quality of life one can have. Respect is the ultimate thing to possess because it allows one to live in harmony with others. Without love and compassion, humans would not be any different from other animals.

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