lundi 10 décembre 2018

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By Raymond Morris

Sacred cups and chalices have a number of different uses. In one case, the secret of the holy grail refers to a sacred chalice which has often been believed to have caught the blood of Jesus as he died on the cross. While this is the case, this is only one legend related to the chalice which many have searched for since the time of the crucifixion.

There are also a number of other myths and legends associated with the cup. For example, there are stories of ties to the Germanic people, Atlantis and Hitler. When it comes to Germany, some believe it to be a sacred symbol which relates to the Nazi invasion and what some believe to be a superior race.

As of now, the identity of the object remains a mystery. Currently, authors, scientists and theologians all agree it is most likely one of these two objects, either a sacred cup, or an ancient document. While at the same time, it is difficult to believe that even if it were an ancient document penned by Jesus, the document would be in good enough condition to prove that was the case.

If a chalice, the cup holds a connection to the bloodline of Jesus which would most likely be related to the Egyptians. As such, it is hoped that if the grail is a cup and found, there could still be enough DNA evidence to study the direct ancestry of Christ. While hopeful, it is more likely that the legacy and myth will remain nothing more than a legend in the future.

Whether comedies such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, or more serious films related to Christianity, the holy object has often been front and center. In fact, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table reflect the stories of Christ and the disciples to some extent. For, both Jesus and King Arthur sat at a round table and were leaders of 12 men, the knights in the case of King Arthur and the disciples in the case of Jesus.

It is also believed that the last Supper took place at a second round table, not a rectangle table as shown in a number of paintings which depict the last supper. An interesting note is that there were 12 knights in the King Arthur legend and 12 disciples in the stories of Jesus. Whereas, there are also aspects related to purity and the priesthood in both legends.

With regards to the stories of King Arthur, one of the most unusual analogies to the chalice relates to a princess. For, some of the knights loved to joke about by having a princess with a cloth of green asked the knights if one could see the holy grail. At which time, the culprits would break out in laughter and explain that since the princess was the daughter of the Fisher King and a Holy Hermit, by seeing the princess, one in fact had seen the sacred object.

In other legends, the knights of the round table were there to protect the princess. While, Eunuchs whom were often high priests whom had been castrated were often considered the most pure and virginal of all the knights. In the New Testament Bible book of Matthew 19:11/12, it is documented that Jesus also asked the disciples which, if any, would agree to undergo castration and become caretaker of the holy grail.

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