mercredi 2 janvier 2019

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By Kathleen Myers

Life is a journey with many ups and downs. There is no doubt that many of us have had to deal difficult situations at one time or the other. In some cases, the emotions are so overwhelming and one may feel that they are being driven to the edge. When raw emotions are triggered, they have the potential to lead to self destruction and severe relationships with the people we love the most. It is important for everyone to learn how to regain control over themselves whenever they find themselves in such situations.

Emotional flooding is a term that is commonly used by psychologists. This term attempts to describe a situation in which one is bombarded by deep emotions and thoughts suddenly just like a flood. There is usually a single predominating feeling in the midst of all this. Such may be depression, hatred, sadness or anxiety. Commonly, the predominant emotion may change over time depending on the prevailing circumstances.

Deep emotions may be triggered by a number of situations. In general, these may include recalling past unpleasant events, thinking about a difficult present situation or worrying about an uncertain future. Affected persons will typically get lost in their thoughts as they recreate trauma and hurt suffered in the past. Such memories aggravate an already bad situation when replayed in the mind over and over.

There are a number of things that can be done to confront the unwanted deep emotions. These include, for instance, the practice of deep belly breathing. This exercise has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The benefit is often in small incremental steps. The general advice is that the practice should be continues as long as the unwanted thoughts are present.

Even as you look for ways of dealing with these feelings, it is important that you take steps in understanding them. In most cases, there is a lot of confusion when emotional flooding occurs. There is a need to firstly, acknowledge the presence of the feelings and, secondly, to be willing to make some changes. Failure to do this often results in what is referred to as a closed emotional loop that makes things worse.

Turning back to your support system is also very helpful. Many people will only let their loved ones know of their troubles when things get out of hand. This should not be the case. Rather, getting in touch with your loved ones early enough will help control form of the negative thoughts and feelings right from the start. Trusted colleagues, friends, relatives and religious leaders are all potential sources of much needed support.

It is important to take a step back. This will allow you to take stock of your emotions and plan on the best way to respond. This means that you literally have to set aside some time to think about your feelings. It is not easy to make major decisions with so many other things playing out in the background. You will be surprised to discover that some cases are just an overreaction that was not warranted.

Handling deep emotions is not always easy. Very deep thoughts and feelings often isolate us from everyone else which makes it even more difficult to handle them. The first step when one finds themselves in such a situation is to understand the type of emotion that they are faced with. This will then inform their next course of action. Sharing your feelings with those who matter makes everything a lot easier.

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