vendredi 4 janvier 2019

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By John Thompson

Race relations is a debate that is not about to die anytime soon. There are different areas of concern when one looks at how races relate including entertainment, family, commerce, sports and religion, among others. A lot of attention has been on law enforcement and race relations because frequent and highly publicized nasty encounters. What issues underlie all the discussions on police and races in US?

Racial disparity is a common issue that arises when relationships with police departments are concerned. Disparities are a reality because one can argue that more white people are wealthier than blacks or Latinos. If they live in poor neighborhoods, it is obvious that such areas have high crime rates and therefore more arrests will be made? Such a conclusion can only be made in comparison to similar populations and where there is relative police response.

Strained relationship between police and people has also been blamed on racially biased behaviors. For instance, police may consider Latinos as predominantly drug peddlers and persons with no immigration documents. Blacks may also be labeled as criminals. Responding to an incident with this mindset or manning a road with the notion means that there will be no objectivity. It is such actions by police that have escalated situations unnecessarily.

Racial animus is a matter of attitude. A policeman may naturally or from past experiences dislike blacks or Latinos. As a result, this policeman will stop more Latinos or Blacks than any other race. Even when dealing with a white man displaying similar behaviors, there is likelihood that the negative behaviors will be ignored for one person and not the other. This is almost similar to racial prejudice.

There is statistical discrimination in the form of racial prediction. This is a subconscious conclusion that a particular race is associated with a certain crime. As a result, an officer will stop more blacks or Latinos than Whites. If a black and a white driver are on the road, the black will be stopped more times than a white. The issues raised when drivers are pulled over are also statistically skewed.

There are situational risks that all races and policemen are supposed to be aware of. In certain situations, police act out of a conclusion that is not necessarily justified. An example is where a Black goes to unbuckle his seat belt or collect the Drivers License besides the seat and is mistaken to be drawing a gun. Even sitting while waiting in certain places attracts suspicion. It means that people have condemned the races while it is not necessarily true.

Some of the actions taken by law enforcement officers are out of reflect. However, the challenge is what causes such a biased reflex that has the potential of ending the life of a promising officer? Police departments have taken a lot of steps towards leveling the ground for all races. However, a lot remains to be done.

There is need for more awareness of the areas where biases manifest. When people are aware, there is likelihood of reducing altercations. Communities and police departments are also encouraged to discuss incidences whenever they happen with the aim of finding the areas of bias and a subsequent solution.

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