vendredi 29 mars 2019

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By Donna Phillips

Members working together towards the achievement of specific goals often go through the process to help affiliate develop a sense of belonging and trust. There are five stages of squad building that is forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. At the forming step, the groups get to know each other and ground rules are set. At the storming, stage members get to select leaders. This article discusses the process of self empowerment through team building.

The process of forming a team begins with members being assembled in a particular space. They start by writing down their objectives, setting goals and rules and regulations that they will use throughout the process. The rules can be simple such as the development of observing punctuality. The second stage involves the procedure of choosing leaders who will hold specific positions. The leaders are selected on a merit basis.

Members get a chance to know one another. Individuals are placed in groups according to their characteristics and objectives. In the clubs, they are given an opportunity to get more information about each member. The assemblies are then allowed to start working on their targets. When they achieve these goals, participants can dissolve the group on completing a project.

Members are assigned to clubs according to their likes and preferences. They are then given specific projects to deal with, and the groups are expected to provide constant reports to other team affiliates on how they are progressing. When providing these updates, participants get an opportunity to give opinions, discuss ways of dealing with a variety of challenges and offer solutions.

Every crew member is responsible for the delivery of a particular task. This ensures that every individual participates towards the achievement of these goals. By doing this, a person is enabled to learn how to work when under pressure since they operate under datelines. A person gets to learn and gain knowledge about a variety of issues. This is achieved through the process of brainstorming where members are allowed to give their opinion on how to handle a variety of problems.

The empowering procedure begins with giving people the freedom to make their own decisions. This is achieved by supervising them in a controlled environment. That is a being helped to come up with ideas, or they are guided towards improving their thoughts. Working in a team allows participants to access the necessary resources they will need towards acquiring their goals.

The development of endowing these groups involves guiding them on the decision making procedure and guiding them through solving complex problems. There are problems that an individual may encounter while going on with their daily business. At times the procedure become hard to manage these crews helps them to go over the situation with minimal to no damage. This assists sets in attaining their objectives quickly.

Bad characteristics such as procrastination, poor decision making and conflict management skills are dealt with through the process of offering guidance. People are assisted in predicting challenges they may face and in preparing for these situations. Groups have been known to help squads achieve their goal and at the same time help them to grow in all life dimensions.

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