lundi 20 mai 2019

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By Catherine Watson

A teacher has to keep himself up-to-date with the latest techniques in encouraging learning and making it fun for his students. Because of the popularity of online games, gamification training is also being offered to educators so that they can take advantage of this method in class. But before he jumps into the bandwagon, take a look at the following this to consider about this technique.

Having a basic understanding of what gamification is is the first step in deciding if this will work for a class. It is the method of using games and other fun activities to keep learners challenged to pursue knowledge. In most cases, rewards are given after achieving a milestone or overcoming a challenge. Skill points, incentives or tangible rewards are the usual options.

At present, this technique has various applications not just in schools but also in the workplace. In schools, teachers can create games to practice the skills learned after a lesson. This can also be used to encourage good behavior such as awarding points which are calculated every term. In the workplace, this is not just used in learning, but also for challenging employees to meet their goals, especially when it comes to sales.

Because the practice is becoming popular all over the world, there are a lot of options when it comes to enrolling in the course. When choosing, the teacher has to consider where he wants to learn and how much time he can dedicate to the class. World renowned universities offer advanced classes on the topic. Many of them awards certificates to prove achievement of knowledge. Online classes are also great options for busy learners.

The requirements for being allowed to enroll into the course depends on the institution and type of study. Advanced studies in universities may require a college degree and good exam results. On the other hand, short courses at other institutions may just need a high school diploma and some teaching experience. The educator is also expected to have a good knowledge of the subject that he would like to create a game content on.

Although this technique seems great for encouraging learning, take note that there may also be some questions about its impact. Some claim that it is not as effective as it claims to be. Creation of materials to be used for the learning activities may take more time in designing than traditional materials. The educators should also come up with encouraging rewards, and sometimes, this may come at a monetary cost.

If an educator is ready to learn more about the technique, he can look into the cost of enrolling in a class. Taking the course at a reputable institution will come at a higher cost due to the quality of teaching and the highly recognizable name on the certificate. On the other hand, an educator can opt to learn the method through online means at a fraction of the cost. He will also spend less time and money on travel.

It is expected that every good teacher has to keep abreast of new practices in the field of teaching, especially if it will greatly benefit his students. He just has to evaluate if this method is right for his learners and for the subject that he is teaching. More information can be found in articles and researches that are published online.

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