mardi 8 juillet 2014

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By Rosella Campbell

For children books are a great way to open their imaginations. Often they can become fascinated with stories and want to read them again and again. Unfortunately as they get older reading is seen as less of an attractive thing to do. With competition from TV, the internet and video games it can be harder to find appropriate books for them. This is why it helps to find young adult book reviews in order to allow them to find the kind of stories that will appeal to them.

The first thing to say is that young adult is not a genre in and of itself. People who hear this term may think of certain types of story. However this does not necessarily have to be the case. In reality there is a wide array of genres for young readers to choose from that could be suitable for them.

The thing to remember is that young adult in and of itself is not a genre. A wide range of authors have written for stories for younger readers. Indeed many of them are enjoyed by older readers as well and ultimately there is no age limit on a story that is well written and engages the reader.

With younger adult readers the challenge is to find something that they will engage with. Often this is easier for girls rather than boys. This is why a lot of the most successful titles in this age range tend to be aimed towards girls as there is less of a stigma about reading and it is often something that they can share with their friends.

This does not mean boys are excluded. Indeed there are also a wide range aimed at them. Often the best way is to find something they already engage with. For example there are a lot of novelisations of video games, comics and so forth that they will want to read due to the fact it is based on something they are already familiar with.

This is why reviews are useful. The type of review you need will depend on the information you want. For example there are plenty of websites that can tell you about the content of a story and whether or not that particular type of story is suitable for your children to read.

It is also worth looking at several different sites when comparing viewpoints. This will allow you to get a broader sense of how well a particular title is rated. Be wary as some less scrupulous authors and companies may put in fake reviews. However these are often easier to spot. The best ones tend to be neither overly critical or overly gushing with praise.

Ultimately reading should become a habit. The danger is that it starts to be solely associated with school and titles that have to be studied for exams rather than something they can do for their own personal pleasure. This is why it is worth looking for reviews for yourself but also encouraging your children to do so for themselves and empower them to help them find the kind of stories that they will want to read.

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